Monday, May 23, 2011


Drumroll please!

-drumroll starts-

Welcome to... Saint's Reading Report!

What is this, you ask?

Well I, St. Fang of Boredom (Saint), Fanfiction Authoress, have decided I... Need to read more.

With school, work, etc. I've let old hobbies of mine fall to the side.  Mainly, reading and writing.  I don't do as much of either as I used to.  Sad, very sad.

So I made a couple summer goals to try and pick up some old reading and writing habits I've let slide.  One of them was to start a blog which would chronicle every book I read this summer (and possibly beyond) with my personal reviews of each piece of literature.

Hence, this blog.

I have no specific genre or type of book for this blog.  I can read anything.  Kids books, young adult fiction, biographies, romance novels (heh), anything.  As long as I'm reading.  I'd also like to update this once a week, though it's probably a long shot.

Oh, and you never know, Fang might pop in and say something!

Fang: ...Something.

Me: And everyone say hi to Fang, a kidnapped fictional character made famous by the Maximum Ride series!

Fang: -eyeroll-

Me: Who isn't feeling very talkative. -.- Anyway, let's get this show on the road, huh?  I've got some reviews to post!

-Saint and Fang

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